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TEACHING Exceptional Children 56-5 - Literacy

TEC 56.5 cover
Month and Year Published:
May, 2024
Publication Volume:
Publication Issue:
Council for Exceptional Children
Product Number:
Member Price:
$12.00 (19% off)
Non-Member Price:

Articles in this edition include:

  • Implementing Caregiver Coaching in Early Intervention With Families of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  • Using Phoneme Discrimination to Help Emergent Bilinguals With Reading Disabilities Acquire New Sounds
  • Using Sound Walls to Promote Independent Spellers
  • Teaching Writing Through Content: Six Instructional Activities to Improve Students’ Sentence-Level Writing Skills
  • Five Steps to Teach Simple Sentence Writing to Students With Learning Disabilities
  • Simple Sentence Writing to Students With Learning Disabilities
  • Practice-Based Professional Development for Self-Regulated Strategy Development Writing Instruction With Secondary Teachers
  • Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Secondary Students With Reading Difficulties Within Multitiered Systems of Support
  • Supporting Reading Comprehension for Students With Inattention
  • Main Idea Strategy Instruction to Support Middle School Students With Intellectual Disability
  • Strategies for Teachers Who Face Opposition to Reading Disability Literature With Children
  • Navigating Remote and Virtual Work-Based Learning Experiences for Students With Disabilities

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